Public Corner

Helping a Charity

  • When it comes to making donations for the worthy causes, the Province Punjab in Pakistan has the most generous people with open hearts. But the real problem statement of current era is in so many good causes, how do you identify that your money is going for the right purpose you have donated?
  • A donation is a gift for charity, humanitarian aid, or to benefit a cause in form of money or kind and a voluntary choice. You might decide to make a donation by yourself for the needy person or you may search for charity for the help of the community. Punjab Charity Commission website provides the facility to search a charity by their area of operation or by the functions of the charity in their specific fields/experience.

How to Find a Charity?

You may search on website (Search for a Charity) by:

When to Report Charity Activities

Complain to the Punjab Charity Commission if a charity is, for example:

  • Not doing what it claims to do
  • Harming people
  • Being used for personal profit or gain
  • Involved in illegal activity
  • An advertising campaign you think is offensive, deceptive or inaccurate
  • Involved in anti-state and terrorist activities or other abusive work